Saturday, February 5, 2011


When M was born, my parents sent me a house plant that has become HUGE!  There are 4 different plants in this huge plant.  This is one of the leaves on this plant has always fascinated me.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Beautiful Day!

We had an absolutely beautiful day outside today.    It was very windy but beautiful!
M had such a good time playing outside.  She was running around with a hand full of goldfish.

This is my cat Joy.  I was sitting at the back door and she kept rubbing against me.  She even got adventurous and went out on the patio for alittle while.
I meant to take a picture of all of them before I took them off the grill.  Out of like 8 Kabobs this is all that was left.  They look better as I get into grilling again. 


Sorry I have been MIA for a few days.  Its been interesting. 
She wanted a little something different done to her hair.
My little man C doing his homework.

Diz wanted to go with us to pick up C from school.
Life can't get any better than this. Snuggling with Diz, M and C.