Monday, December 27, 2010


Now that Christmas is over, my family is looking forward to going home for a few days!    I cant wait to see our family even my neices and nephew!
My list of things I want to do back home is growing more and more.  Now I just need to make sure that I dont overwhelm myself.

Trust me I will have plenty of pictures!! 

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Past Couple of Days

Its been a bit busy around here.  A friend of mine last minute came to spend Christmas with us.  Spur of the moment, but fun.
On Tuesday, the kids decorated their gingerbread men.  M poured a whole container of sprinkles on one of her gingerbread lol!  What a mess but fun.  C had alot of fun putting gum drops on them!

On Wednesday, it was just a busy day going to the commissary getting the rest of what is needed for Christmas dinner, running a few errands, and then after the kids went to bed Lauren and I went to the mall to do some window shopping.  It was nice.

Today was a nice lazy bum day.  It was so nice to know I didnt have to be anywhere.  Then someone posted something about those little oven bags on Facebook, then it hit me.  I didnt have anymore, so off to Walmart to get some.  Boy that place was a madhouse!  Lauren also asked that I take some photos of her today.  Got home cropped them if they needed it and did any touches that were needed.   All in all, everything is done.  Have a few things to drop off tomorrow and then I can rest!  I think. :)

Monday, December 20, 2010

What was I thinking?!?!

lol!  After realizing I made 122+ gingerbread,  I'm beginning to think I got into a big project haha!  I'm having fun tonight by myself, tomorrow its game on for the kids!  My son wanted a couple of pictures because he was so excited about how many cookies there was (and there was still maybe 3 dozen still being made), so he took this:
(yep Mollie the Monkey is on the counter next to the banana's- pure accident! haha) So now I have this grand idea to even put some frosting on them tonight.  Guess its alright because J is playing his call of duty game!
They got a thumbs up from J so I guess they are good.  I wont eat any until they are completely done!

You know you did a good job on dinner when your 7 year old (C) comes up to you and says that he wishes he could eat it again tomorrow.  Little does he know what lunch is!  :)  As a Mom its so hard to let go of the reigns and let them fix their own plates.  Tonight I went to make his taco and he looked at me and told me that he was going to do it.  It kind of broke my heart, but reality, I know I have to let him start doing more things on his own.  They grow up too fast!
Its short tonight, but I gotta go finish icing some cookies!
What a day!  I overslept and ended up watching Church service online today.  It was good, but I wish I would have made it there. 
Got a few things done today in the house and started to make cookies!  The Gingerbread broke my mixer so I pulled out the one that we were given before we got married "ol' faithful".  You know its an old mixer when its that nice olive/avacado green lol!  Boy they dont make kitchen appliances like the use to.  This is my 3rd kitchen appliance that has broken this year.  I really should ground myself haha!  Little did I know until after I baked 1/2 the dough that broken parts made their way into the dough....dumped it all out and started again.  But the kids enjoyed cutting out the gingerbread guys and gals!

I've decided that on Jan 3 I am going back into my "lose this weight" mindset.  In Feb of this year I lost a total of 45lbs and after going to Disney in March, I went back to eating badly and quit working out.  Now I've gained back about 13 lbs and I'm going up in pant sizes. I'm going to try and get back to Clean Eating as best as I can along with going to the gym a minimum of 4 days a week for the first month.  If I push myself hard enough, I know I can lose the weight I've gained in 3 months.  Then again when  I first started June 27, 2009, in 12 weeks I lost 23 lbs, almost 4" at my belly button, almost 4" off my hips, and 2" of my thighs.  So I know there is no excuse.  This sounds wierd, but I dont want to go shopping for anymore clothes!  I'll be using this blog to document some of that process too. 
Off to write my goals and what I want to accomplish!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Jumping in!

A friend came up with a neat challenge.  To take a picture every day of the year and once a month one of myself.  I think this is a wonderful idea!  This next year is going to be full of challenges and life changing things.  From moving, to my daughter starting Pre-K, my son going from 1st to 2nd grade, selling our 2nd house, celebrating our 11th wedding anniversary, I want to start back to school, and turning another year older.  A few goals of mine that will be part of this too is losing the weight that I've gained over the past 8 months.  So in a way this will also help hold me accountable for that also.  I've never blogged before, but you have to try something new!
I'm looking forward to this!